On Christmas Eve 2016, beautiful Jack was born. Arriving eight days late, his parents hadn't planned on spending their first Christmas together in Norwich Hospital but we think they will agree that it was completely worth it.
With the family celebration of Jack's birthday taking place over the festive period, we visited as soon as we could on the day after Boxing Day - taking a small break from eating mince pies and chocolate - for a relaxed, family shoot with Jack, his parents and their dog Monty.
Jack's parents chose the perfect room for us to photograph in, even a photography studio would struggle to recreate this perfect festive setting. Jack's playroom was decorated with a large Christmas tree full of classic wooden ornaments and brightly coloured baubles. The tree stood in front of a pane glass bay window and the light that seeped through bounced off the playrooms wooden floorboards, creating a warm and low contrasting tone to all of the photographs.
To represent both 'Baby's First Christmas' and 'Baby's First Birthday', Jack's parents saved some special presents for Jack to unwrap for the camera. No family portrait session is complete without all family members, and Monty agreed - wasting no time in investigating the rustling wrapping paper as Jack began to open his presents.
To make things even more special it began to snow outside, causing some confusion for Jack as to what exactly was falling from the sky - if Jack had been a little older we would have been outside in a flash to enjoy this now somewhat rare event, hopefully he will get the chance next year when he is a bit more stable on his feet.
Any friends and family that have been given a password to Jack's private photo gallery, the link is: - www.jacks-first-birthday/woodrowandcookphotography.co.uk
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